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Motorcycle Safety Tips

Swerving or Turning Quickly
Sometimes you may not have enough room to stop, even if you use both brakes properly. An object may appear suddenly in your lane. Or the car ahead might have to stop suddenly. The only way to avoid a crash may be to turn sharply or swerve around it.

A swerve is any quick change in direction. It can be two quick turns, or a rapid shift to one side or another. Apply a small amount of hand pressure to the handgrip located on the side of your intended direction of escape. This will cause your motorcycle to lean quickly. The sharper the turn, the more the motorcycle must lean.

Keep your body upright and allow the motorcycle to lean in the direction of the turn while keeping your knees against the tank and your feet firmly on the pegs. Allow the motorcycle to move underneath you. Make your escape route the target of your vision. Press on the opposite handle once you've passed the obstacle to return to your original direction of travel. To swerve to the left, press the left handgrip, then press the right to recover. To swerve to the right, press right, the left.

If you have to break, do it separately from swerving – never while you're swerving.
Head Checks
Checking your mirrors is not enough. Motorcycles have "blind spots" like cars. Before you change lanes, turn your head, and look to the side for other vehicles. Only by knowing what is happening all around you, are you fully prepared to deal with it.
Quick Stops
To stop quickly, apply both brakes at the same time. Don't be shy about using the front brake, but don't "grab" it either. Squeeze the brake lever firmly and progressively. If the front wheel locks, release the front brake immediately then reapply it firmly. At the same time, press down on the rear brake. If you accidentally lock the rear brake on a good traction surface, keep it locked until you have completely stopped. Even with a locked rear wheel, you can control the motorcycle on a straightaway if it is upright and you are going in a straight line. Always use both brakes at the same time to stop. The front brake can provide 70% or more of the potential stopping power.

Studies show that most crash-involved riders: Underbrake the front tire and overbrake the rear. (or) Did not separate braking from swerving or did not choose swerving when it was appropriate.
Keep Your Distance
Don't pair up – Never operate directly alongside another rider. There is no place to go if you have to avoid a car or something on the road. To talk wait until you are both stopped.

Staggered formation - This is the best way to keep ranks close yet maintain an adequate space cushion. The leader rides in the left side of the lane, while the second rider stays one second behind in the right side of the lane.
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