When you get involved in an accident you might suffer from injuries and extra expenses like medical or repair bills. It can also affect your work. Along with these pain and hardship, it will leave you confused and stressed.
855-LAW-HURT can help. By providing you with the right attorney and doctor for your legal and medical care needs, whose specialty is the type of case that you have. We are here to connect you with the best personal injury attorneys and doctors, to set your life back on track.
855-LAW-HURT can help you wether you are at fault or not with:
- Scheduling an appointment with a doctor or lawyer who specializes and is experienced with your case and is close to you or to where the assistance is needed.
- Helping you focus on the type of assisstance that you may need or give you more information that also may be able to assist you.
Our lawyer referral conducts an initial consultation for free. Attorneys who are referred by us are also required to submit an extensive application to the service and they must be a member in good standing of The Florida Bar with no pending probable cause complaints as well as having professional liability insurance with limits of not less than $100,000 required.